Biodynamic massage

Attuned psychotherapeutic touch that works with the whole person through their body

Biodynamic massage therapy recognizes that the body and mind are interconnected and that our physical experiences, emotions and thoughts play a role in our overall wellbeing. Through attuned touch and embodied listening it aims to help the individual to integrate all aspects of themselves, reconnect with their inner reality and release blockages. Whether you’re seeking relief from physical pain, emotional stress, or simply looking to improve your overall sense of wellbeing, Biodynamic massage can be a transformative experience.

How Biodynamic massage can help?

One of the main goals of Biodynamic massage is to facilitate the release of any emotional or psychological issues that may be stored in the body (they can be experienced as tension, pain, or other symptoms and imbalances). By bringing in more awareness of the bodily sensations, feelings and emotions individuals can work through these issues, gain a greater understanding of themselves and become more in tune with their bodies.

Long-term therapy can lead to greater overall wellbeing, a sense of autonomy and agency, healthier boundaries and empowerment. By being more in touch with themselves people develop a sense of purpose and direction in life.

Biodynamic massage is also an excellent tool for reducing stress, inviting more relaxation and vitalisation, releasing muscular tension, relieving internal emotional pressure. It is suitable for people with psychosomatic symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia etc. It can also be enjoyed by those simply wanting to relax and rejuvenate.

“On the deepest level, change always involves the body. A new attitude means new perceptions, new feelings and new muscular patterns. Psychological and physiological change go hand in hand. Since our deepest traumas are embedded in our guts and muscles, to free ourselves we must free our bodies. Yet we are more than just bodies. We are minds and spirits, feelings and imaginings. And though the body speaks, it must always be the whole person to whom we listen.”

– R. Kurtz and H. Prestera

What happens in a session?

Every session starts with a short chat which is an opportunity for you to take time to reflect and connect with how you are feeling and what you need. For example exhaustion might call for rest and replenishment, anxiety might signal the need for more grounding. Those qualities can be communicated through touch and different massage techniques.

During the massage no oils are used and it is your choice whether to get undressed. It is more important to create a safe and trusting environment where you feel comfortable and can let go. You can cry, laugh, talk, stay silent, the focus is on letting the energy flow and release.

Tummy rumblings

Unique to Biodynamic massage is attention given to autonomic nervous system – breathing, heart rate, temperature and peristalsis (tummy rumblings). Gerda Boysen the founder of Biodynamic massage and Psychotherapy discovered that our gut (second brain) can physically digest and release nervous energy and stress remnants from the body. Therefore during the session an electronic stethoscope is used to monitor the sounds of the digestive system as a form of biofeedback. That guides the therapist towards the most attuned touch needed. Different people need different things and instead of making a person fit the therapy, Biodynamic massage meets the individual where they are. When the person feels met and safe, they spontaneously enter deep relaxation where the body can release physical and psychological tension.

Contact Melita to book an appointment