Biodynamic psychotherapy

Somatic approach for the gentle emergence of inner well-being.

Biodynamic psychotherapy is rooted in the understanding that body and mind are deeply interconnected. By nurturing and exploring this connection you become more attuned to yourself, gaining a clearer sense of what’s happening within and understanding your true needs. As you cultivate greater embodiment, you experience life more fully. This gentle and gradual transformation of your inner structure, layer by layer reveals an authentic core – your true self.

My approach

My work is based on warmth and compassion, focusing on the integration of body and mind. Psychological tensions often show up in our thoughts, behaviours, and physically within the body—through muscle contractions, restricted breathing, and psychosomatic symptoms. Biodynamic psychotherapy views body and mind as one, using a range of methods to address all layers of our being. I blend talk therapy, exploring body sensations, relaxation, movement, imagery, and Biodynamic massage to meet your individual needs. My intention is to create a safe, attuned space where you can process and integrate difficult experiences at your own pace, with the support you need.

“On the deepest level, change always involves the body. A new attitude means new perceptions, new feelings and new muscular patterns. Psychological and physiological change go hand in hand. Since our deepest traumas are embedded in our guts and muscles, to free ourselves we must free our bodies. Yet we are more than just bodies. We are minds and spirits, feelings and imaginings. And though the body speaks, it must always be the whole person to whom we listen.”

– R. Kurtz and H. Prestera

Biodynamic massage

In some sessions we may incorporate bodywork as part of the therapeutic process. This method is effective in relieving muscular and nervous tension while balancing the body’s energy. I work intuitively, focusing on being present with you and responding to your unique needs. Read more about it here.

Who is this for

If what you’ve read resonates and sparks your curiosity, this work could be beneficial for you. I invite you to reach out to discuss it further. I offer a free 15min initial phone consultation where we can discuss your situation and see how this work could benefit you. 

Meetings are 60min long, held weekly at the same time and place. I work with both short and long term therapy.

Contact Melita